A lot of people have asked me where i download all the tons of movies, apps and music from and how i do that. simple and straight, its from rapidshare.com
Now many of you must be using various torrents to download files which is indeed a great place to do that. I've once been a great fan of torrents and used quite a lot of it but torrents come with their own problem. One big problem with the torrents is that they are virus prone. Most of the times you can end up downloading virus and other malicious files hidden with the movies. since the torrents are basically 'peer-to-peer' processes, they are dependent on the people serving the files and speed of download often vary. Another problem that i once faced was that i downloaded one movie and when i opened the file it was another movie altogether.

It has been quite some time since i started using rapidshare and another 'magical' software called 'Universal Share downloader' (US downloader) and I'm totally satisfied by it. I've downloaded over 500 movies and not once i had a problem of any sorts mentioned above.
Since many of my friends asked me how to use these sites and softwares, i thought of sharing the information here so that its much easier to convey.
You need four programs for this process.
1.RS links serving site
2.RS links
3.US downloader
4.Winrar for extracting the downloaded files
Rapidshare is one of the largest file-hosting site and according to their claims, users have uploaded upto 10 petabytes of data! what this means is virtually everything you need is available in RS.Most of the data are split and uploaded in parts and the number of parts depend on the size of the file to be downloaded.There are two types of accounts you can download files from. A paid account,which offers you with unlimited and multiple simultaneous downloads and uploads. Another is the free account,which most of use , allows a single download at a lower transfer speed.
So now we know about RS. but where do we get RS links? Here's how. There's a wonderful site called http://www.warez-bb.org/ . This site contains a huge collection of links for millions of movies,songs,softwares,games,e-books,TV shows,scripts and templates. All you need to do is join the website, search for the file you are looking for and get its RS links. The best part of this site is that you can see the screenshots of the movies you want to download and check their quality even before you download. Plus you get a wide range of file formats.From a 300mb '.mkv' file to a 3GB+ blue ray or HD format you get everything. So all that is left is to search for the best print and get its links (preferably rapidshare links). and make sure you make a note of the 'passwords' if any are mentioned below the links.you need them during extracting the file.
One problem with downloading from rapidshare with a free account is that once a part has been downloaded you have to manually enter the subsequent link and wait for about a minute and press 'download' for the download to start. now this is something thats not very comfortable to do. This problem is solved by using the US downloader. I came across this light and brilliant application when a friend of mine told me about this. It's very easy to use this software and its very effective at the same time. Once you have the RS links (copy them all from warez) for a movie or an application, paste them in the US downloader and forget about it. It does everything by itself. It waits for the time RS tells, downloads, and even switches off your computer if you wish to once all the download is complete!Go to the scheduler in the settings and adjust the settings so that the computer switches off after all downloads are complete. you can even set an alarm if you want...It's a pretty software indeed.
The screenshot below shows some of the initial settings that you have to change. Give the values as in the picture and you are good to go!
One last thing you need after downloading you file is winrar to extract the files that have been compressed.If it prompts for a password, just paste the password you copied from the warez site and press enter.
And thats about it. This method is very easy and very safe to use. hope you've understood what i've told. If you get any problem anywhere in the process you can get to me anytime. drop me an email and i'll retort asap. And meanwhile please let me know what you think about this tutorial. any comments and suggestions are welcome.
To download USdownlosder click here
To download winrar click here
Hey pal....other than US downloader..
I have got Jdownloader..its much faster than US Downloader..
try it...it supports HOtfile links too!!!
nice post.. nice effort.. but i don't think torrents are as much "fake and malicious" as he mentioned.. there are few advantages of using torrents.
1> torrent clients are extremely light (utorrent takes just 30kb of ur RAM) compared to other direct link clients( jdownload and us download takes 150-400kb of RAM)
2> u can seamlessly use torrents as u can pause,resume,stop and re-start the time u want.. In direct links like rapid share and hotfile, if ur connection get interrupted then all u hav downloaded for tat part is waste.
3>and about fake movies, u got to be careful wen ur on internet, u can't ask for cent percent security . U can do these things for not getting fooled by fake torrets
a> download from isohunt, mininova, fenopy and many other sites, torrents from these sites are trustworthy.
b>always look at the user comments and ratings.
c>there are some sites which do hav screenshots and movie sample, like fenopy.com.
d> before adding a torrent, please look at the files ur downloading, no movies in torrent are in archived format.
e>finally wait for master dvdrip and download movies of trusted uploaders like fxg,axxo,max-speed and so on...
4>u can get max speed of 200kbps in torrent(provided there are enough seeders) which u cant imagine in free account of ne file hosting site..!
In simple words , torrents are SAFE, SIMPLE and EASIEST...
ya i do accept wat u said...but sometimes..
"if u have to gain something..u gotta lose something"..
jus like if u have to reduce the size of the file..u gotta think of rapid links only right...
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