Thursday, November 12, 2009

No i have not faded away....

hey... remember me? Setu, the blogger? yeah? well.. im back...(if u dont remember,take the trouble of reading all my previous blogs)
Every time i look at my blog i feel i have abandoned some one....i feel sad that i am unable to make it happy. But there's not one day that goes by when i switch on my PC and think of not blogging...anyway, here's my first attempt at saying hello to my blog after a long time.
Personally, it's been tough times for me....i can feel myself hanging from a noose , stuck between breaking free and dying out.There are pressures from all sides. I sometimes sit blank wondering which work i got to start finishing, and sit wondering i do.Balancing College, people, education, future, family, friends, interests and hobbies never felt so hard. Just when is it that i break free? maybe this is the time of life when the enjoyment gets boring....when 'too much becomes too bad', and things are pushed too far...its that time when i start hurting myself, by cursing myself in the name of glittery magic. Driven by conative prejudice, perhaps, im losing my path.

Oh boy!am i being too poetic or too emotional? oh yeah i am! unheard vocabulary are making their way out...they better stay in.

bottom line : time to get back to normalcy, clear mind of unwanted stress/worries and play god :)

naah...just wanna get back to where i belong and where i feel great. Just need some really powerful inspiration to push me through.

will try amap to blog regularly.

auf wiedersehen!

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