The next 30-40 minutes were spent outside with each of us munching on fried corn and kallepuri which were quite tasty but crazy expensive.Not just for our mouths,there were some eye-candies too ;) so it was a good time-pass waiting outside the gate, for no one.And one great person even came and offered a VIP pass for 2 grand! Now,i say, there should even be a limit to madness,right?This person seemed to think very far.
And soon enough, a crowd had gathered and started to move inside the grounds; we followed the herd. Our passes were checked. Bags and safe areas(for weapons, I mean ) were as usual, unchecked. One thing I really appreciate, is the amount of confidence the Indian police and security have on us! They never check whenever we go to anyplace that's sensitive. God alone is saving us. Lets all thank god this once.
OK, back in the grounds,we were really excited at the beginning to see a well lit stage with d DJs in their stand, madly smoking and working on their comps. We could also go and stand right opposite the barricade facing the stage; and we considered ourselves very lucky for having reached the venue early. The excitement didn't really seem to last long 'cause it seemed like we could get the 'front-line' spot at any given time during the concert. We could even count the people with our fingers.So we just went arou
OK, back in the grounds,we were really excited at the beginning to see a well lit stage with d DJs in their stand, madly smoking and working on their comps. We could also go and stand right opposite the barricade facing the stage; and we considered ourselves very lucky for having reached the venue early. The excitement didn't really seem to last long 'cause it seemed like we could get the 'front-line' spot at any given time during the concert. We could even count the people with our fingers.So we just went arou
nd, grabbed some soft drinks and were just talking crap waiting for the show to begin. I also met a couple of my friends there and spoke with them for a little while and soon the much awaited concert began with the arrival of our 'dude in panche' on the stage.
It was about 8:30 when the program started.It was Raghu Dixit's band (Raghu dixit project) which was performing that evening.Also with them were the Medieval punditz and one very talented ,Karsh kale.
It was about 8:30 when the program started.It was Raghu Dixit's band (Raghu dixit project) which was performing that evening.Also with them were the Medieval punditz and one very talented ,Karsh kale.
People had gathered in more numbers by then and soon the concert began. Our dude was clearly pissed at the small attendance and was smartly letting it out by lightly cursing the fans, which the poor ones who didn't understand, & they ended up cheering for him.The guy expected the crowd to guess and sing the songs in the right shruti and pallavi and while the people couldn't really do so,he slowly let out his frustration :P .That's one advantage being a cult person.No matter what you say to the fans,they cheer for you.You praise them,you scream at them,you call them 'nonsense fellows',it doesn't matter,you are cheered.Same case yesterday.But that's also a way of keeping the mood and the energy alive, no real offence. The music was great! Even better were the speakers and the audio. The ground was literally vibrating with each beat.
The next thing I and another friend of mine did was to go stand very close to the speakers.It was an amazing sensation with every thump.
The next thing I and another friend of mine did was to go stand very close to the speakers.It was an amazing sensation with every thump.
He sung some very good songs & I liked them all. He also released the Nokia 5800 cell phone,of course it was a concert sponsored by the Nokia itself so they had to be in there somehow. After his performance, it was again the boring look-at-people's-faces session,crack stupid but entertaining jokes time,till the organizers arranged the stage for the next oncoming group,The Medieval Punditz and Karsh Kale.They came on the stage with a few Macs and lots of music editing stuffs. They soon started and let me tell you one thing about electronic music, although they claim so, they do not carry any sort of meaning in them.So it's just left to the person,individually to pick up whatever meaning they want from the music.I just picked up the drums.A modified, robotic voice, flute here and there and some tabla were showcased.It was quite good,for sometime,until i got tired of rocking my head to the drums and was reminded of home. Also I had to desperately take a urea-break.I dragged my reluctant friend along and went to d parking lot to hop on my bike and ride back home.We somehow went around places in the night,losing the route and eventually reached home, after meandering a lot.It was almost 11:30 by the time we reached.The rats in my tummy were having their own concert in there and i had to quickly re-fuel self. Soon after my dinner,i did what i normally do everyday,catch some Z's :)
So much for the free concert.